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Cache Purge Helper Plugin

A plugin to trigger a cache purge using the LSCache or Nginx Helper plugin when hooks are fired by popular plugins or themes.

Cache Purge Helper

A plugin to trigger a cache purge using the LSCache or Nginx Helper plugin when hooks are fired by popular plugins or themes.

I created a plugin with some code snippets from GridPane Staff and Community to trigger a cache purge in certain circumstances. Below you’ll find a list of hooks and their description.

Core WordPress Hooks

  • upgrader_process_complete – After a plugin, theme or core has been updated.
  • activated_plugin – After a plugin has been activated.
  • deactivated_plugin – After a plugin has been deactivated.
  • switch_theme – After a theme has been changed.

Page Guilder Hooks

Beaver Builder

  • fl_builder_cache_cleared
  • fl_builder_after_save_layout
  • fl_builder_after_save_user_template
  • upgrader_process_complete


  • elementor/core/files/clear_cache
  • update_option__elementor_global_css
  • delete_option__elementor_global_css


  • wp_ajax_oxygen_vsb_cache_generated
  • update_option__oxygen_vsb_universal_css_url
  • update_option__oxygen_vsb_css_files_state

Cache + Optimization Plugin Hooks


  • autoptimize_action_cachepurged

WP Optimize

  • wpo_purge_all_cache_on_update

GridPane Specific Information

As always, you should have the Nginx Helper plugin installed and configured. However, it does not purge the cache when a plugin, theme or core update is completed.

If you have any issues, open an issue on the Github repository.


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