
The following are projects that I’ve worked on. Enjoy.


Introduction I created gridpane-slack2email as I needed a means to send slack messages through the stored GridPane slack…
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Introduction I created wordpress-code-snippets because I had a ton of code that I was using and simply wanted…
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Introduction I created cloudflare-wordpress-rules as a means to deploy a custom ruleset I ended up developing.
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Introduction I made wp-shelltools because I was working on a number of different servers and platforms and needed…
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Cache Purge Helper Plugin

A plugin to trigger a cache purge using the LSCache or Nginx Helper plugin when hooks are fired by popular plugins or themes.
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WP Moar Speed

Project Goals The goal of this project is to take various bare metal servers of different configurations and…
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WordPress Backup Plugin Testing

Project Goals WordPress Backup Plugins Contribute If you have a plugin you want tested. Shoot us an email…
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