Support / Coffee

Buy a coffee!

I’ve created this site and community as resources for those seeking answers or guidance. The goal is to help and network with others. However, I can’t say no to coffee or beer if you’re feeling generous.

Professional Services

if you’re looking for help or assistance, I provide professional services through LMT Solutions. But you can also help this community out by hiring someone in the community. Check under the Partners section. I also offer something called Free Support Fridays, anyone can book time with me to chat.

There are a number of vendors that I personally utilize and stand behind, all of them are listed here until they no longer are in my own good graces. I’m not here to pump it to make a living off it. Anything I make helps me to continue funding this site!

Affiliate Disclaimer

  • We post affiliate links to products we endorse.
  • We don’t post affiliate links to products that are trash, please report any issues you find with any affiliate companies.
  • The goal is to generate income from this site based on the efforts to generate content and valuable information provided on this site.
  • If an Affiliate or Product isn’t cool, we’ll toss them and publicly announce the reasons. 😎


The following are affiliates we work with.

Better Stack (Better Uptime)

Better Stack, previously known as Better Uptime, is a premium platform for monitoring and logging.


GridPane is a great WordPress specific control panel!


When it comes to transactional email, I’ve tried them all but landed on Postmark after another WordPress person I trust mentioned it. I haven’t looked back.

Super Speedy Plugins (Dave Hilditch)

Scalability Pro is an amazing plugin for WooCommerce or Membership sites. It specifically focuses on slow database queries within the core WordPress and WooCommerce code and is rewritten to improve overall site performance. Dave Hilditch, the creator, is also a master at his craft.


1Password Logo

I don’t know how long I’ve been using 1Password, but I use it multiple times a day. It’s a great cross platform password manager with lots of features.


Superhuman logo

I’ve been using Superhuman for a couple of years now, and it’s change how I deal with email. Getting to Inbox zero is easier when using Superhuman.


A great SaaS backup solution that supports GridPane and many other platforms and setups. Bring your own S3 storage from Backblaze, iDrive or self hosted Minio!


Backup your devices and utilize B2 S3 compatible storage!

MSP360 Backups

Simple agent-based backups are available for Windows and Linux, can bring your own S3 storage.


Racknerd is a great place to buy cheap VPS instances for development and testing. Just note that you get what you pay for, and your expectations shouldn’t be too high. This isn’t AWS or GCP, it’s still a VPS. I’ve been using them for small development and testing for a while and haven’t had any major issues.

iDrive e2

Low cost S3 storage, great alternative to AWS S3 or Backblaze.


We list recommended Partners but don’t endorse or guarantee their work. You must do your research and investigation when working with someone.


We don’t have any sponsors at this time. If you wish to sponsor this site and it’s endeavours, please fill out our contact form.

PLEASE NOTE: There is no special treatment for sponsors; this website maintains no favouritism towards one product or another due to financial compensation. This website will remain unbiased towards sponsors, vendors and other related organizations or persons.