WP Moar Speed

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Project Goals

The goal of this project is to take various bare metal servers of different configurations and test them using our testing methodologies.

We also want to see what providers are using for hardware, specifically CPU, motherboards, memory and storage. So you’ll see a little bit of a deep dive into this.


Here are the folks involved.

  • Denny Cave
  • Scott Thomason
  • Eric Brockway
  • Jordan Trask



Here’s a Google Sheet of all the servers that we’ve tested.



VPS CPU Performance by Provider

The following Airtable is a list of bare metal CPUs with some basic benchmark information as well as associated providers that offer said CPU.

Bare Metal CPU Performance by Provider

The following Airtable is a list of bare metal CPUs with some basic benchmark information as well as associated providers that offer said CPU.


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