Hardening and Securing your WordPress Website

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Securing your WordPress Website

This article will discuss the steps you can take to harden and secure your WordPress website so that hackers or malware have a more challenging time successfully compromising your WordPress site.

Nothing is ever 100% Secure.

You might be asking yourself why I didn’t say “stop hackers from compromising your WordPress site”. No solution or method is 100% secure, you should always be aware that there is a potential for your WordPress site to be compromised. Always be aware that the landscape of WordPress attacks is constantly growing, and new vulnerabilities are found daily.

Always be on guard.

WordPress Core Issues

There are many core security issues in WordPress that you should be aware of and be hardening to protect your site.


I haven’t completed this section yet!

Suggested Security Plugins

The following is a list of security plugins I stand behind and would suggest, regardless if I’m an affiliate or have a vested interest, which I would divulge.


I’ve been using WordFence since its inception, and they were on the scene first with live patching. The best WAF built into WordPress there is, I will write more as to why.

Server Side Hardening and Security Measures


I haven’t completed this section yet!


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