Read More 7 minute read UUncategorized Linux Swap Space and your WordPress ServerbyJordanApril 23, 202490 views Introduction The following article was created to send to clients that might be having issues with swap on…
Read More 4 minute read AArticles WordPress 6.4 Bug – Exposing Hosting Providers Utilizing 10 Year old version of cURLbyJordanNovember 9, 2023221 views Introduction WordPress released version 6.4, which included a PR to the WordPress/Requests library. A vast number of WordPress…
IIssues Dealing with “protocol error, got ‘E’ as reply-type byte” and LSCache Plugin Object CachebyJordanApril 14, 2023815 views Introduction I was getting the following errors within the error logs for a WordPress site that was on…
IIssues Moving from Cloudflare SaaS Provider/Custom Hostname (GoDaddy) and DNS IssuesbyJordanJanuary 23, 202371 views Introduction You might have had this issue before; you move from a Cloudflare SaaS provider such as GoDaddy…
PPlugins Scanning WordPress Plugins for PHP 8.x Compatiability and Incompatible Plugin ListbyJordanSeptember 22, 20221.8K views Introduction This article stems from Kinsta’s move to disable the creation of new sites on PHP 7.4 starting…
IIssues Issue: Gravity Forms Update and deprecated tables.byJordanAugust 4, 202240 views I ran into an issue with a site when installing Gravity Forms, it resulted in an error with…
Read More 2 minute read GGuides Backup your Cloudways Server with SnapshooterbyJordanApril 13, 202243 views If you have a Cloudways server and are looking to back up one or more WordPress instances to…
Read More 2 minute read IIssues Ulysses – Failed to Connect. Please Verify the URL of your Blog – XML-RPC issue.byJordanJanuary 7, 202284 views I was dealing with a WordPress site and the user wished to use Ulysses which is a macOS-based…
Read More 7 minute read IIssues Cloudflare 520 Errors Explained and InvestigatedbyJordanAugust 27, 2021339 views What is a Cloudflare 520 Error? The Cloudflare 520 error code is similar to an HTTP server error…