DDrafts Building your own Home LabbyJordanApril 18, 202425 views When you can get 2.5G symmetrical upload and download internet service, self hosting is pretty awesome. It’s getting…
DDrafts Why should you try Openlitespeed or Litespeed Enterprise? What’s the difference over NGINX?byJordanNovember 7, 2023111 views Introduction Quite often, I get asked why I suggest or run Openlitespeed or Litespeed Enterprise. Specifically, what’s the…
DDrafts Why DNS Propagation is Misunderstood and Abused by Support RepresentivesbyJordanNovember 2, 202318 views Introduction This article will go into how DNS works and why DNS propagation is really just a means…
DDrafts WebWhim Peer ReviewbyJordanNovember 2, 202311 views Background There is a blog post that has been floating around various WordPress groups from a site called…
Read More 1 minute read DDrafts Troubleshooting Redirection Loops in WordPressbyJordanSeptember 19, 20239 views Introduction We’ve all had a site that was spinning wildly in our browsers and eventually returning the following…
DDrafts Important GridPane Log FilesbyJordanJuly 19, 202322 views GridPane Log Files Suppose you’ve encountered a problem with your WordPress site on the GridPane platform. It helps…
Read More 2 minute read DDrafts Scaling WooCommercebyJordanJune 1, 202352 views Introduction This article will provide details on how to scale WooCommerce for a consistent amount of traffic or…
DDrafts Moving from VPS to Bare-metal, does it make sense?byJordanMarch 7, 202370 views Introduction Bare-metal has become increasingly more available and affordable as an option to host single or multiple WordPress…
UUncategorized The Ultimate Guide to Troubleshooting WordPress IssuesbyJordanDecember 1, 202227 views Introduction It’s happened to us all; we have an issue with a WordPress site and can’t figure out…
DDrafts The difference in MySQL Database (PHP MyAdmin) Size and Local Database File Size (du)byJordanOctober 4, 202215 views Articles http://woshub.com/compress-defrag-optimize-mariadb-mysql-db/ https://dba.stackexchange.com/questions/11567/substantial-difference-between-database-size-under-mysql-and-actual-size-on-disk