Read More 2 minute read DDrafts Scaling WooCommercebyJordanJune 1, 202352 views Introduction This article will provide details on how to scale WooCommerce for a consistent amount of traffic or…
GGuides Cleaning out WordPress CronsbyJordanMarch 22, 2023139 views Introduction If you ever wondered if there is a need to clean out your WordPress crons, you’d be…
DDrafts Moving from VPS to Bare-metal, does it make sense?byJordanMarch 7, 202370 views Introduction Bare-metal has become increasingly more available and affordable as an option to host single or multiple WordPress…
GGuides Adjusting PHP OPCache for WordPressbyJordanDecember 14, 20223.3K views Introduction The following page will discuss adjusting the PHP OPCache for WordPress WordPress Specific PHP OPCache Configuration There…
HHot Take WooCommerce Search Plugins and their Performance ImpactbyJordanSeptember 21, 202295 views Introduction This article comes to you today after trying to help someone with their WooCoomerce site and high…
Read More 3 minute read PPlugins WordPress Plugins utilizing admin-ajax.php causing Performance IssuesbyJordanSeptember 1, 2022232 views Introduction The following article provides information on the WordPress admin-ajax.php function and a list of WordPress Plugins using…
Read More 13 minute read AArticles Dealing with High CPU or Memory Usage on your WordPress Site or ServerbyJordanAugust 30, 20221.2K views Introduction You’re here because you’re dealing with a single WordPress site or a server that is utilizing too…
Read More 2 minute read PPlugins Speeding up WooCommerce with the WP Intense Scalability Pro PluginbyJordanJuly 25, 2022398 views WP Intense and Dave Hilditch You may or may not have heard of Dave Hilditch, he’s behind WP…
Read More 9 minute read UUncategorized Optimizing/Tuning MySQL, MariaDB and Percona for WordPress, WooCommerce.byJordanJuly 21, 20222.0K views Why should you tune MySQL, MariaDB or Percona? The stock configuration for MySQL, MariaDB or Percona is untuned.…